FAQs: Rentals Edition
Where can I find available rental options?
All of our rental properties are hosted on either Blue Ridge Mountain Rentals, Carolina Cabin Rentals, or VRBO. Links to all available rental properties can be found on blueridgemountainclub.com/rentals
Will I be able to use the amenities while staying on the property?
Yes, access to all of our premier amenities is included with your stay! We want guests to truly get a feel for what life at BRMC is like—amenities and all. Enjoy a fitness class, explore the hiking trails, and enjoy an incredible dining experience (just to name a few!)
Can I rent a UTV for the trails?
Many like to explore the 6,000+ acre property on a UTV, a unique experience to BRMC. We offer on-site UTV rentals through an exclusive partnership to our guests.
Are there things to do in the local area?
Absolutely! We are located 6 miles from both Boone and Blowing Rock—two High Country towns that provide a plethora of activities year round from shopping to outdoor adventure and everything in between.
Who can help with the questions I have about renting?
Please contact the appropriate third party rental company with any questions you may have pertaining to renting.